Bubble Guts Enterprizes: The Medicine Cabinet is a fluid, ongoing archive of objects related to the body, medicine, and the impulse to predict and prevent bodily mishaps, illness, and injury. Though salves and homeopathic treatments are centuries old, DIY approaches to medicine and self-care remain in modern-day medicine, proliferated by pharmaceutical ads, telemedicine, activity trackers, and late-night infomercials. In the spirit of an archival collection, roadside attraction, and hoarder’s den, Rodolfo Salgado Jr collects and combines everyday objects from the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Assemblages of funnels, panty hose, tubes, hand-blown glass, and ceramics merge with syringes, vials, dentures, and home health devices to involve viewers in a conversation about what is public and what is private about their bodies. In this ever-changing artwork, Rodolfo activates and re-combines assemblages, in ways that examine the stories we tell ourselves to control and come to terms with the mysterious inner workings of our bodies.
Read a review of "The Medicine Cabinet" at Ruckus Louisville here.
Read a review of "The Medicine Cabinet" at Ruckus Louisville here.